Technorati Profile My Favorite Dogs: September 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007


An ancient breed, it is believed the Dalmatian originated in a section of Yugoslavia called Dalmatia. Their stamina, size, and guard dog capabilities made them a favored breed by English aristocracy. During both World Wars, this breed was used to protect the camps of U.S. soldiers. The Dalmatian is most often associated with being a firehouse dog.
Dalmatians are of medium size and are extremely active and energetic. They are bold, unique, and are known as the clowns of the dog world. This is a versatile breed that possesses the ability to work as a vermin hunter, hound, guard dog, and circus performer as well as being a loyal companion.
The Dalmatian is exceedingly social and thrives on human companionship and attention. They are extremely sensitive and do not do well if left alone for extended periods of time. If they become lonely or bored they will become depressed and destructive. This dogs is not recommended for homes with small children due to their exuberant and rambunctious nature. They will typically get along with household pets they have been raised with, but display aggression to dogs they do not know. This breed is aloof with strangers and makes an excellent watchdog; only barking when absolutely necessary.
The Dalmatian requires frequent brushing with a firm bristle brush to minimize loose hair. Extra attention should be given to the coat during the heavy shedding periods. Bathing should only be done when absolutely necessary using a mild shampoo to protect the integrity of the coat and skin. This breed does not do well in extreme weather conditions and are prone to fungi from moist grass and soil as well as ticks and fleas. The various health issues that affect this breed include deafness, bladder and kidney stones, skin and food allergies, and hip dysplasia.
This dogs requires intensive and extensive early and lifelong socialization as well as basic obedience. Without training, the Dalmatian has a propensity to be timid or high-strung. They do not respond to harsh or heavy-handed methods. Training must be done with firmness, fairness, consistency, reward, and patience. Dalmatians excel in obedience competition, agility, and fly-ball.
The Dalmatian must have daily frequent exercise. They enjoy participating in family activities and play sessions. Quality time spent with their family is extremely important to this breed. With their high degree of endurance, the Dalmatian makes an excellent walking, jogging, and hiking companion. This breed does best with a securely fenced yard they can romp and run in. Dalmatians are not recommended for apartment dwelling unless it is possible for them to receive a walk or run several times a day.

Weight Dalmatians: 40-60 lbs
Height Dalmatians: 19-23 inches
Color(s) Dalmatians: black or liver spots on white background; spots should be round,
well defined, and preferably separated. Dalmatians are born white and develop spots.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


DELL'ETNA BREED STANDARD Updated and approved by the Italian Kennel Club 11/27/1989
GENERAL APPEARANCE: primitive dog type of elegant and slender build, medium size, not cumbersome, but strong and hardy. The morphological conformation is a long/limbed dog of light construction, square outline; the coat is fine. Depth of chest is slightly less than the height from ground to elbow. Length of the muzzle does not reach half the length of the head (the ratio skull-muzzle is of 10 to 8, but preference is given to dogs whose length of muzzle reaches that of the skull.
BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: hunting dog, adapted to difficult terrain suitable especially to the hunting of wild rabbits; endowed with a strong temperament, it is at the same time gentle and affectionate.
HEAD - SKULL: oval shaped lengthwise, the planes of the skull and muzzle are slightly divergent or parallel. The upper profile of the skull is so slightly convex as to appear almost flat; the width of the skull between the zygomatic arches must not be more than half the length of the head; the eyebrows are not very protruding; the frontal furrow is only slightly marked; the occipital crest and the occipital protuberance are only slightly developed.
FOREFACE - NOSE: of quite rectangular shape, rather large, its colour corresponding to colour of the coat (quite dark chestnut, light chestnut, flesh colour).
MUZZLE: the length of the muzzle is at least 80% of the length of the skull; its depth or height (measured at the middle of the muzzle) is at least half the length of the muzzle itself, its width (measured at the middle of the muzzle) is less than half its length. The muzzle is therefore pointed with a straight bridge of nose; its lower lateral profile is defined by the mandible.
LIPS: fine, thin and taught, only just covering the teeth of the lower jaw. The commissure at the corner of the lips is hardly visible.
JAWS: normally developed although do not appear strong; lower jaw lightly developed, with receding chin. Incisors, set square in the jaws, are perfectly in line and adapted.
CHEEKS: flat
TEETH: well developed and complete, scissor bite.
EYES: the eyes, which seem rather small, are of a not too dark ochre colour, amber and also grey, never brown or dark hazel; in lateral position; soft expression; oval shaped, with pigmentation of the eyelid rims corresponding to the colour of the nose.
EARS: set very high and close together, erect and rigid, the opening towards the front; triangular shape with narrow tip, must not be cropped. Their length is not more than half the length of the head.
NECK - PROFILE: upper profile well arched (convex).
LENGTH: same length as the head.
SHAPE: of similar shape to a truncated cone; the muscles are visible; especially along the crest of the neck.
SKIN: fine, taught and very close; no dewlap.
BODY - TOPLINE: straight, sloping from the withers towards the croup.
WITHERS: raised above dorsal line, narrow because of the convergence of the shoulder blades; join harmoniously into the neck without any break in the line.
BACK: upper profile straight, with moderately developed muscles; the length of the chest part measures about 3 times the length of the loin; the length of the loin reaches about 1/5 of the height at the withers and its width is close to its length; muscles are short and firm but not very conspicuous.
CROUP: upper profile rather flat, obliqueness below the horizontal reaching around 45 degrees. The length of this lean and solid sloping croup reaches about the third of the height at the withers, and its width is nearly half of its length; muscles of the croup are not conspicuous.
CHEST: the length of the chest is slightly more than half the height at the withers (about 57%) and its width (measured at the widest part) is slightly less than the third of the height at the withers, the chest reaches to, or nearly, the level of the elbow, but without going beyond that level; the ribs are only slightly sprung, but never flat; the perimeter of the chest, which is more than the height of the withers by about 1/8th, determines a rather narrow chest .
UNDERLINE: the lower profile corresponds with an evenly ascending line along the belly without any sudden interruption. Belly lean and tucked up, flanks of equal length to that of the renal region.
TAIL: low set, rather thick and equal thickness in its entire length, reaching the point of hock or slightly longer, carried sabre fashion when in repose, it is lifted over the back, trumpet fashion, when the dog is alert; short hair.
QUARTERS - FOREQUARTERS: Seen in profile a vertical line drawn from the point of the shoulder touches the tip of the toes. Another vertical line, starting at the elbow joint and ending at half-length of the pastern, divides the forearm and the wrist in two more or less equal parts. Seen from the front, the limb must correspond to a vertical line lowered from the point of the shoulder which divides forearm, wrist, pastern and foot in two equal parts. The height of the foreleg from the ground to the elbow is slightly more than half the height at the withers.
SHOULDER: the length of the shoulder blade must reach about 1/3 of the height at the withers with obliqueness below the horizontal of 55 degrees; the upper tips of the blades are close to each other; the angle between the shoulder and upper-arm (scapula-humeral) measures 115- 120 degrees.
UPPERARM: its length is equal to half the length of the leg measured from ground to elbow; the arm is almost parallel to the median plane of the body, slightly oblique below the horizontal, with noticeable and distinct muscles.
ELBOW: set at level or below the line of the brisket, parallel to the median plane of the body; the angle between the upper arm and the forearm (humeral-radial angle) measures about 150 degrees.
FOREARM: its length is equal to the third of the height at the withers; straight and parallel; the cubital-carpal groove is well marked; bone structure is light but solid .
WRIST: extends the straight line of the forearm; pisiform bone prominent .
PASTERN: its length must not be less than 1/6 of the height of the foreleg, measured from the ground to the elbow; wider than the wrist, but flat and dry, the pastern is slightly sloping from back to front; bone structure is flat and lean.
FOREFOOT: oval shaped (hare foot) with well knit and arched toes; nails strong and curved, brown or fleshy pink nearing brown, but never black; pads hard of the same colour as the nails.
HINDQUARTERS: Seen in profile, a vertical line, which descends from the rear point of the buttock to the ground, touches, or just, the tips of the toes. Seen from behind, a vertical line drawn from the rear point of the buttock to the ground, splits in two equal parts the point of the hock, the hind pastern and the hind foot. The length of the hind limb measures about 93% of the height at the withers.
UPPER THIGH: long and wide. Its length measures the third of the height at the withers; muscles are flat and the rear edge of the upper thigh is slightly convex; its width (outer surface) is equal to _ of its length; the angle between the pelvis and upper thigh (ileum-femoral angle) measures about 115 degrees.
LOWER THIGH: of slightly inferior length to that of the upper thigh, shows an obliqueness of 55 degrees below the horizontal. The covering muscles are lean and very distinct; bone structure is light; the groove along the Achilles tendon is well marked.
STIFLE JOINT: must be on the vertical which goes from the buttock to the ground; the angle at the stifle joint (tibial-femoral) is about 120 degrees.
HOCK: the distance from the sole of the foot to the point of the hock is not more than 27% of the height at the withers; its outer surface is wide; the angle at the hock joint (tibial-tarsal) is about 135 degrees.
HIND PASTERN: its length is equal to a third of the length of the foreleg measured from ground to elbow; of cylindrical shape and in vertical position, thus perpendicular to the ground; no dewclaws.
HINDFEET: slightly oval with all the same characteristics as the forefoot.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: gallop, with intermittent trotting phases.
SKIN: fine and taut, colour varies according to that of the coat. The mucous membranes and the skin of the nose are in the colours described for the nose and must never show black nor be depigmented.
COAT- TEXTURE: hair smooth on the head, on the ears and legs; semi long (about 3 cm) but sleek and close lying on the body and the tail; hair straight and of vitreous texture.
COLOR: a) self-coloured tan, darker or lighter shades or diluted like Isabella, sandy colour, etc.. b) tan with more or less extensive white, white blaze on the head, white mark on the chest, white feet, white tip on tail, white belly; a white collar is less appreciated). Self-coloured white or white with orange patches is tolerated; a tan coat with a mixture of slightly lighter and darker hairs is allowed.
SIZE: males: from 46 to 50 cm [18.11 to 19.68 in]. Tolerance up to 52 cm [20.47 in]. females: from 42 to 46 cm [16.53 to 18.11 in]. Tolerance up to 50 cm [19.68 in].
WEIGHT: males: 10 to 12 kg [22.04 to 26.45 lbs]. females: 8 to 10 kg . [17.63 to 22.04 lbs].
FAULTS: any departure from the foregoing points constitutes a fault which when judging must be penalised according to its seriousness and extension.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: convergence of the skull/foreface planes; concave foreface (dish-face); accentuated undershot mouth; black pigmentation, even slight; totally hanging ears or bat ears; black nails; black pads; tail curved over the back; self-coloured brown or liver; black or brown patches; presence of black or brown hairs; height lower than 2 cm [0.78 in] under the minimum indicated by the standard for both males and females; height exceeding 52 cm [20.47 in] for males and 50 cm [19.68 in] for females; brindle coat; black mucous membranes.
DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: walleye, overshot mouth, total depigmentation. NOTE: males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

FCI translation revised August 2001 by Jane Moore

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cirneco dell' Etna

"Nika"born 14.09.2004 female (sire: PIRAINO - Dam: CHEOPE)
breeder: SILVIA COMINACINI (Italy) owner:Jane Moore (Italy) & Butt Tanya(Russia)
Russian Junior Champion, Russian Champion, Champion RKF, Champion of Belarus, Champion of Bulgaria, 4xCACIB, 11хBOB, 8хCAC, 2xBIG-2

The Cirneco dell' Etna, or ‘Rabbit hunter of Etna', originated from the volcanic slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily . They hunted for rabbits, hares and small game, and living in such conditions enabled them to become sturdy and efficient, with the ability to go without food or water for extended periods of time. The Cirneco dell' Etna is one of the most ancient breeds in all of Europe , and has been bred in his native land for nearly 2,500 years. In fact coins engraved with pictures of dogs resembling the Cirneco have been found in Sicily dating back to 6 BC. This breed has been bred true to type for centuries, being free from the influence of foreign genetic material and has, until very recently, been almost unknown outside of his native island. Tragically, during World War II Sicily became a battle ground and many Cirnechi were killed. However, since then numbers have been steadily growing. At the sight of a Cirneco ‘Elegant' is the first word that comes to mind, and although similar, is more finely built and smaller than other Mediterranean sight hounds. It is understandable how many mistake the Cirneco for Pharaoh hound pups, due to extreme similarities in appearance. Like the Pharaoh, the Cirneco has a well chiseled head with a narrow long skull, pointed muzzle and self-colored nose. However, the Cirneco is considerably smaller, with a body outline that fits neatly into a square. He has high-set, triangular ears which should be almost half the length of his head. He has a long, gracefully arched neck, a straight back and long, lightly boned legs. His tuck-up is more moderate than that of other sight hounds, giving him a slightly more solid appearance. His tail is long and low-set, being saber shaped at rest, but sometimes carried over the croup when in action. His sleek, smooth coat varies from a light sand coloration to a rich red tan. White markings on the head, chest, feet, belly, collar and tip of tail are commonly seen. Due to the similarities in appearance, historians believe both the Pharaoh hound and the Cirneco share there roots in ancient Egypt . The Cirneco is a darling family pet, being especially loving towards children. He is gentle, affectionate and even-tempered, with a bubbly and magnetic personality. In the house he is quiet, generally only barking at the approach of a stranger. He is an intelligent and obedient dog, and loves affection, becoming especially bonded with ‘his person'. Although he truly needs an active household, he easily adapts to modern day life in a town or city and his compact size is perfect for the typical family home. He has proven himself in agility, lure-coursing and is a champion in the show ring, as well as being a tireless hunter or when at play. In fact in an effort to preserve the breed's strong hunting instincts, in Italy they require all Cirnechi to pass a hunting/working test before being awarded championship points. Not only is this a sound and healthy breed, but is a joy to live with. Whether you live on a working ranch or within the city limits, he will be a loving, faithful companion, and will bring you joy until the end of his days.

Bonatti, Nizzoli di Carentino Giovanni, Note per una monografia sul Cirneco dell'Etna (Canis Etneus), 1972, Il Cacciatore SicilianoCapra, Ernesto e Giovanna, Le Quattordici Razze Canine Italiane,1995, EOS Editrice OleggioFiorone, Fiorenzo, Cani da Caccia, 1973, De Agostini La Commare, Alberto, Il Cane degli Dei, 1998 No.5, I Nostri Cani, ENCI Modica, Felice, Il Cirneco dell'Etna, 1996, Habitat Editori, Siena Sciara, Filippo, Il Cirneco di Sicilia, Evoluzione Attraverso i Secoli, No.9/1994, Il Progresso Veterinario, Tricomi Domenico, Il Cirneco dell'Etna, 1998, Edizione Cinque, Biella Urzi, Giuseppe, Il Cirneco, 1998, ENCI Milano Urzi, Giuseppe, Il Cirneco dell Etna Monografia, 1997 No.3, I Nostri Cani, ENCI Urzi, Giuseppe, Ricominciamo da Zero, 1995 No.3, I Nostri Cani, ENCI FCI, Cirneco dell'Etna Breed Standard, published November 11, 1989 AKC, Pharaoh Hound Breed Standard, as Approved May 10, 1983, Effective April 3, 1989

Friday, September 7, 2007

Humorous Dogs Images

This is my small dogs images collection:

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is distinguished by its longer nose and heavier build from the King Charles Spaniel. He has beautiful large dark eyes.
Temperament: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is best suited for a pampered indoor life. They display the temperament of an extrovert. They can be quite spirited and vocal. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel prefers to be with their family or other dogs. Although this breed is gentle and affectionate, they do not have patience for unruly children.
Breed Group: ToyColor(s): black and tan or white, black and red or rich red or white and red.
Height: 30-33 cm
Weight: 5-8 kg
Life Expectancy: About 9-14 years